Why having a diverse team can contribute to a startup’s success

Did you know that companies that are diverse, are 35% more likely to gain higher financial returns according to research made by (McKinsey, 2015)? That’s mainly because having a startup that prioritizes diversity and inclusion leads to increased creativity, improved decision-making, and faster problem-solving. When we’re surrounded by people like us, there’s a tendency for everyone to agree on the same things, or have similar weaknesses and blindspots. A more

5 things to consider when going after your first round of investment

Have you ever dreamed of taking your first rounds of investments in order to make your company a success? Well, think again because in reality not all the investments that have been made or will be made in the future will be successful. There are gonna be ups and downs throughout the negotiation phase, how you interact with your investor, and how you move forward with your startup.  That’s why